What's this illustration for? Illustration Friday topic “Forgotten”.
Do you have to wait for a flash of inspiration - how do you start?
I always have ideas that I want to work on next. Sometimes inspirations comes to me through a simple object like a spice container lid or a bit of twisted metal I find on the ground. I like it when I am in that creative zone to be able to notice the small details in life.
How did you get your start as an illustrator?I am still getting my work out there, the illustration jobs I have had are mainly illustrated logos, illustrations for educational readers, one off illustrations for signs, banners, maps etc. I also work as a Graphic designer, so some of my clients require illustrative work. I would like to get more into book illustration as I have a childlike imagination at times!
Who or what has influenced your work?
I admire a lot of illustrators work so couldn’t just name a few, however, doing work experience in Year 10 + 12 at Fremantle Children’s Literature Centre allowed me to see the fabulous work on display. I felt inspired because so many children’s illustrators and authors were so passionate about what they did. I loved how they showed their research aswell.
What's your favourite media for creating pictures?I enjoy working in lots of different media. I have been working more lately in inks, coloured pencils and pastels though. I also like painting with acrylics at times and wouldn’t mind creating some more work with Das Clay. My clients often require vector illustrations, which I do in Adobe Illustrator.
Do you experience illustrator's block - if so, what do you do about it?Not often, sometimes if I am very stressed or tired I am not in the mood for creating art. I have recently bought some books on face expressions and poses, which I think will help greatly if I get stuck.
What's the worst thing about being a freelancer?Finding your own work. Trying to balance marketing yourself: sending out flyers, updating your website along with actually doing the work and developing your skills more. Also motivating yourself to keep striving ahead for the next goal.
And the best?You get to work on a variety of projects. You can choose what you want to take on and what you don’t want to. You get to wear your tracky pants and ugg boots around the house, you get to cuddle your dogs whenever you want, you can sleep in if you have stayed up late working on something, you can draw more, you can create more mess with your art supplies!
Where can we see more of your work?www.shannonmelville.blogspot.com/www.lemonzestdesign.com.au/
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